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Shock wave measuring while working the tunnel for the needs of the river Cehotina flow direction changeMerenje potresa pri izradi tunela za potrebe skretanja toka reke Ćehotine
Underground Mining Еngineering, Expert paper [pdf]Podzemni radovi, Stručni rad [pdf]
ID: 2.2006.15.4 Number: 15 Volume: XIII Month: 12 Year: 2006 UDC: [tmx] [bow]
Suzana Lutovac
Institution: Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade
Suzana Lutovac
Institucija: Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Đušina 7, Beograd
Rade Tokalić
Institution: Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade
Rade Tokalić
Institucija: Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Đušina 7, Beograd
Komnen Đinović
Institution: Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade
Komnen Đinović
Institucija: Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Đušina 7, Beograd
This paper deals with the problems related to the working of the Veliki Pliješ tunnel for the needs of the river Ćehotina flow direction change. The tunnel was worked by using the method of drilling-blasting operations. The parameters of blasting while working both the canal and the tunnel pipe are shown in the first part of the paper. Some of valid criteria related to building protection from the seismic effects of blasting, as well as the results of seismic observation for the conditions of blasting operations while working the V.Pliješ tunnel, are shown in the second part of the paper.
U ovom radu, obrađena je problematika vezana za izradu tune-la “Velika Pliješ” za potrebe skretanja toka reke Ćehotine. Izrada tunela izvršena je metodom bušačko-minerskih radova. U prvom delu rada prikazani su parametri miniranja pri izra-di kanala i parametri miniranja pri izradi tunelske cevi. U drugom delu rada izloženi su neki od važećih kriterijuma u svetu zaštite građevinskih objekata od seizmičkog dejstva miniranja, kao i rezu-ltati seizmičkih opažanja za uslove izvođenja miniranja pri izradi tunela “V.Pliješ“ - Pljevlja.
Keywords: blasting, explosion, shock wavesKljučne reči: miniranje, eksplozija, potresi od miniranja
Pages: 123-132Strane: 27-36