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Ventilation state analysis of Soko mineAnaliza stanja ventilacije u rudniku Soko
Underground Mining Еngineering, Review [pdf]Podzemni radovi, Pregledni rad [pdf]
ID: 2.2006.15.11 Number: 15 Volume: XIII Month: 12 Year: 2006 UDC: [tmx] [bow]
Komnen Đinović
Institution: Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade
Komnen Đinović
Institucija: Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd
Drago Milinković
Institution: Soko Brown, Coal Mine
Drago Milinković
Institucija: RMU „Soko“, Soko Banja
Aleksandar Cvjetić
Institution: Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade
Aleksandar Cvjetić
Institucija: Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd
Brown coal is worked in the Soko mine in methane operation. The system of mine ventilation is being dealt with in this paper. Gas-ventilation situation of the mine is measured by manual instruments and monitored continuously, as well as recorded by the automatic remote control system. In case of the exceeding of the allowed methane concentration, consumers in endangered part of the mine are automa-tically disconnected from electric supply by this system (with the exception of the fan for separate ventilation and the remote control equipment itself). This paper deals with the survey of the mine ventilation system. The evaluation of the system is given, as well as several measures for the increasing of ventilation efficiency of both working faces and the mine as a whole.
Eksploatacija mrkog uglja u jami „Soko“ obavlja se u me-tanskom režimu. U radu je opisan sistem ventilacije jame. Gasno-ventilaciono stanje jame meri se ručnim instrumentima i kontinuirano se prati i registruje sistemom za automatsku daljinsku kontrolu. Prilikom prekoračenja dozvoljenih koncen-tracija metana ovaj sisem automatski isključuje napajanje elek-tričnom energijom potrošače u ugroženom delu jame (izuzev ventilatora za separatno provetravanje i same opreme za da-ljinsku kontrolu). U ovom radu je prikazan ventilacioni sistem jame, data je ocena sistema i predloženo je više mera za povećanje efikas-nosti ventilacije otkopnih radilišta i jame u celini.
Keywords: analisys, ventilation, “Soko” mineKljučne reči: ventilacija
Pages: 173-178Strane: 75-80