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Selection of the injection material methodology for application in the working environment strenghtness increasing technologyMetodologija izbora injekcionog materijala kod primene tehnlogije očvršivanja radne sredine
Underground Mining Еngineering, Expert paper [pdf]Podzemni radovi, Stručni rad [pdf]
ID: 2.2004.13.5 Number: 13 Volume: XI Month: 12 Year: 2004 UDC: [tmx] [bow]
Nebojša Vidanović
Institution: Faculty of Mining and Geology Belgrade
Nebojša Vidanović
Institucija: Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd
Nebojša Ilić
Institution: Ministry of Mining and Energy of RS, Belgrade
Nebojša Ilić
Institucija: Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike RS, Beograd
Rade Tokalić
Institution: Faculty of Mining and Geology Belgrade
Rade Tokalić
Institucija: Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd
During executing or in the cases of reparation underground mine rooms in the weak working environment, one of the most difficult and challenging problems, from the engineer's point of view, is an appropriate injection material selection. This paper presents an attempt to define optimal resin type selection methodology for given conditions and, therefore, to eliminate subjectivity which occurred in these cases.
Kod izrade ili u slučajevima sanacije jamskih prostorija u slabodržećoj radnoj sredini, jedan od najtežih, ali istovremeno sa inženjerskog aspekta i najizazovnijih problema, predstavlja izbor odgovarajućih materijala za injektiranje. U okviru ovog rada učinjen je pokušaj da se definiše metodologija izbora optimalne vrste smola za date uslove i time eliminiše subjektivizam koji je bio prisutan u ovakvim slučajevima.
Keywords: rock support, rock bolting, resinKljučne reči: podgrada, sidrenje, smola
Pages: 103-109Strane: 27-33