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The Language of Food and Its DictionaryJezik hrane i njegov rečnik
INFOtheca, Scientific paper [pdf]INFOteka, Naučni rad [pdf] [WikiData]
ID: 1.2023.1.1 Number: 23 Volume: 1 Year: 2023 UDC: 030:004.738.5]:023-051 [tmx] [bow]
Duško Vitas
Institution: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Serbia
Duško Vitas
Institucija: Univerzitet u Beogradu, matematički fakultet
A dictionary of the language of food, as a dictionary of a special sublanguage in the Serbian language, does not exist to this day. Too ordinary or too prone to changes, the description of the lexicon of this sublanguage escapes the attention of language researchers, and confuses lexicographers. The paper analyzes examples of lexicographic processing of individual lexemes of this language and shows that the description of the culinary lexicon cannot be solved by standard lexicographic procedures. A digital corpus consisting of different types of texts describing the language of food is presented, including cookbooks, ethnographic and historical studies, literary works, etc. It is shown that the language of food evolves rapidly and continuously, and its evolution is closely related to changes in society. Finally, the author advocates the creation of an encyclopaedic dictionary of the language of food and indicates its basic properties.
Rečnik jezika hrane, kao rečnik posebnog podjezika u srpskom jaziku, ne postoji do naših dana. Suviše običan ili suviše promenljiv, opis leksike ovog podjezika izmiče pažnji istraživača jezika, a leksikografe dovodi u nedoumice. U radu se analiziraju primeri leksikografske obrade pojedinih leksema ovog jezika i pokazuje da opis kulinarskog leksikona se ne može rešiti standardnim leksikografskim postupcima. Opisan je digitalni korpus koji se sastoji od različitih tipova tekstova koji opisuju jezik hrane, a koji uključuje kulinarske priručnike, etnografske i sitorijske studije, litararna dela itd. Pokazano je kako jezik hrane brzo i neprekidno evoluira, a njegova evolucija je tesno povezana sa promenama u društvu. Konačno, autor se zalaže za stvaranje jednog enciklopedijskog rečnika jezika hrane i naznačuje njegova osnovna svojstva.
Keywords: language of food, domain corpus, lexicography.Ključne reči: jezik hrane, domenski korpus, leksikografija
Pages: 7-32Strane: 7-30
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Translator: Prevodilac: