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Library as the center of a scientific research institutionBiblioteka kao centar naučnoistraživačke ustanove
INFOtheca, Professional paper [pdf]INFOteka, Stručni rad [pdf] [WikiData]
ID: 1.2020.1/2.6 Number: 1/2 Volume: 20 Year: 2020 UDC: 027.2(497.6) [tmx] [bow]
Gordana Stančić
Institution: The Andrić Institute, Višegrad, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Gordana Stančić
Institucija: Andrićev institut, Višegrad, Bosna i Hercegovina
On the example of the “Ivo Andrić” Library of the Andrić Institute in Višegrad, we are considering the ways in which libraries and the professional staff employed in them can contribute to the improvement of the scientific and teaching activities of the institution. The librarian, the only employee in the library, in addition to the work in the library and information activities, also performs other tasks that directly help the development of the home institution. With the usage of modern technologies in the library business and the wide range of services it offers to its users, the library is becoming the center of a scientific research institution.
Na primeru Biblioteke „Ivo Andrić“ Andrićevog instituta u Višegradu u radu se razmatraju načini na koje biblioteke i stručni kadar zaposlen u njima mogu da doprinesu unapređivanju naučne i nastavne delatnosti institucije pri kojoj se nalaze. Bibliotekar u biblioteci sa jednim zaposlenim pored poslova iz bibliotečko-informacione delatnosti obavlja i druge poslove kojima direktno pomaže razvoju matične ustanove. Uz korišćenje savremenih tehnologija u bibliotečkom poslovanju i širok spektar usluga koje nudi svojim korisnicima biblioteka postaje centar naučnoistraživačke ustanove.
Keywords: The Andrić Institute in Višegrad, “Ivo Andrić” Library, one-person library, library in a scientific research institution.Ključne reči: Andrićev institut u Višegradu, Biblioteka „Ivo Andrić“, biblioteka sa jednim zaposlenim, biblioteka pri naučnoistraživačkoj ustanovi.
Pages: 83-94Strane: 89-100
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Translator: Prevodilac: