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Grey Literature – The chameleon of information resourcesSiva literatura – kameleon informacionih resursa
INFOtheca, Scientific paper [pdf]INFOteka, Naučni rad [pdf] [WikiData]
ID: 1.2018.1.5 Number: 1 Volume: 18 Year: 2018 UDC: 098:001 [tmx] [bow]
Snježana Ćirković
Institution: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology
Snježana Ćirković
Institucija: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filološki fakultet
This paper describes grey literature, its origins, definitions and the role of grey literature in modern digital age and scholarly communication. Grey literature plays an important role in the rapid and timely distribution of in-depth, recent, scientific and technical information, and also provides access to a broad range of data and often contains new ideas. Furthermore, grey literature is an important source of original research and up to date information. In this paper we will analyze the role of 2014 Pisa Declaration on Policy Development for Grey Literature Resources and its contribution to better understanding and recognizing the role of grey literature as an essential resource in scholarly communication, research, policy making and a key source of evidence, argument, innovation, and understanding in many disciplines. The last part of this paper will investigate the relations between grey literature and scientific heritage, by introducing a set of criteria for the scientific heritage collections in order to define them as a grey literature.
Rad opisuje sivu literaturu, njeno poreklo, definicije i mesto u savremenom digitalnom društvu i naučnoj komunikaciji. Siva literatura igra važnu ulogu u brzoj i blagovremenoj razmeni najnovijih, naučnih i tehničkih dostignuća, a takođe pruža pristup širokom spektru informacija i često sadrži nove ideje. Osim toga, siva literatura predstavlja važan izvor originalnog istraživanja i aktuelnih informacija. Deklaracija iz Pize o kreiranju politike resursa sive literature objavljena 2014. daje doprinos boljem razumevanju i prepoznavanju uloge sive literature kao ključnog resursa u naučnoj komunikaciji, istraživanju i kreiranju politike, inovacija i razumevanja u mnogim disciplinama. U poslednjem delu ovog rada biće istraženi odnosi između sive literature i naučnog nasleđa. Prikazaćemo skup kriterijuma za kolekcije naučnog nasleđa kako bi ih definisali kao sivu literaturu.
Keywords: Grey literature, Pisa Declaration, GreyNet, scientific heritageKljučne reči: siva literatura, Deklaracija iz Pize, GreyNet, naučno nasleđe
Pages: 75-83Strane: 78-87
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