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eLibrary of the Goethe-InstitutElektronska biblioteka Gete-instituta
INFOtheca, Scientific paper [pdf]INFOteka, Naučni rad [pdf] [WikiData]
ID: 1.2017.2.3 Number: 2 Volume: 17 Year: 2017 UDC: 004.738.5:027.54 [tmx] [bow]
Biljana Pajić
Institution: Goethe-Institut Belgrade
Biljana Pajić
Institucija: Gete-institut Beograd
The first chapter of this paper presents theoretical terms in the field of eLibraries, which are later further explained using the example of the eLibrary of the Goethe-Institut, called Onleihe. After a short historical overview of eLibraries in general, the final chapter presents the results of the survey conducted among active users of the Onleihe. The purpose of this survey was to determine users’ habits as well as their impressions considering the offer of the Onleihe. We also tried to determine the causalities between their gender, age, education level, location, knowledge of the German language and previous experiences in traditional and eLibraries, if any, on the one hand and the aforementioned habits and impressions on the other.
U ovom radu bavimo se najpre teorijskim pojmovima vezanim za elektronsku biblioteku, a podrobnije ih objašnjavamo na primeru eBiblioteke Gete-instituta. Prikazali smo i kratku istoriju elektronskih biblioteka, a u završnom poglavlju predstavljamo rezultate ankete sprovedene među aktivnim korisnicima eBiblioteke Gete-instituta.Anketom smo želeli da utvrdimo pre svega korisničke navike ispitanika, kao i njihove utiske o ponudi i korisničkim servisima eBiblioteke. Pokušali smo da utvrdimo uzročno-posledične veze između korisnikovog pola, starosti, obrazovanja, mesta stanovanja, znanja nemačkog jezika i ranijeg iskustva u elektronskim i klasičnim bibliotekama sa jedne i njegovih navika i utisaka sa druge strane.
Keywords: eLibrary, digital library, digital readingKljučne reči: elektronska biblioteka, digitalna biblioteka, digitalno čitanje
Pages: 50-65Strane: 52-68
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Translator: Prevodilac: