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Change of needs of library users caused by the changes of conceptualisation of experiencing time and information under the influence of modern technologiesPromena potreba korisnika biblioteke usled promena konceptualizacije doživljaja vremena i informacije pod uticajem savremenih tehnologija
INFOtheca, Scientific Paper [pdf]INFOteka, Naučni rad [pdf] [WikiData]
ID: 1.2013.2.2 Number: 2 Volume: XIV Month: 12 Year: 2013 UDC: 004.78:025.4.036(497.11) [tmx] [bow]
Milica Vasić
Institution: Institute of Public Health of Serbia
Milica Vasić
Institucija: Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije „Dr Milan Jovanović Batut”, Biblioteka
Through the observation of changes in the way of conceptualising the experience of time and information, caused by the impact of information technology, especially the Internet, the changing needs of library users are examined. Implementation and modern concepts in librarianship are presented as a means of satisfying user needs - shared cataloguing systems and the concept of "Library 2.0". An aspect of modern concepts realization is the inclusion of all library collections into shared cataloguing systems, such are COBISS or BISIS, which includes school and higher education libraries, as well as research institute and institution libraries, implying constituting of virtual, school, higher education and research libraries. Implementation and presentation of these concepts are done for improving the services and achieving a higher degree of modern user needs satisfaction.
Kroz posmatranje promena načina konceptualizacije doživljaja vremena i informacije, prouzrokovanih uticajem informacionih tehnologija, pre svega interneta, ispituju se promene potreba korisnika biblioteka. Kao način zadovoljenja korisničkih potreba predlaže se implementacija i predstavljaju se savremeni koncepti u bibliotekarstvu – sistemi uzajamnih katalogizacija i koncept „Biblioteka 2.0”. Vid realizacije savremenih koncepata je priključivanje fondova svih biblioteka u sisteme uzajamne katalogizacije, kao što je COBISS ili BISIS, što podrazumeva i školske, visokoškolske i biblioteke naučnih instituta i ustanova, odnosno implicira konstituisanje virtuelnih školskih, visokoškolskih i naučnoistraživačkih biblioteka. Implementacija i predstavljanje ovih koncepata vrši se radi poboljšanja i postizanja većeg stepena zadovoljenja potreba savremenih korisnika.
Keywords: time frames, the physical time, digital time, internet, virtual space, hypertext, hypermedia, COBISS, virtual research library, Library 2.0Ključne reči: vremenski okviri fizičko vreme, digitalno vreme, internet, virtualni prostor, hipertekst, hipermedija, COBISS, virtuelna naučnoistraživačka biblioteka, Biblioteka 2.0
Pages: 18a-37aStrane: 8-36
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Translator: Prevodilac: